The Francis/Fauci Flop Conference-

The Vatican Health Conference fails miserably and doesn’t draw any crowds.

The Vatican Health Conference fails miserably and doesn’t draw any crowds.

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The head-to-head face off between the Vatican Covid Conference featuring Dr. Fauci and Patrick Coffin’s Truth over Fear Conference keynoted by Archbishop Vigano provided great comic relief and surprising results. The heavily Pharma funded Vatican wingding with old washed up celebrities fell flat with barely any viewers. Pope Francis, the popular Pope of Mercy’s video garnered only 75 views!

Contrasted with the Vatican Fauci festival, the Coffin Conference drew over 45,000 viewers from around the world.

What is happening? The People are waking up.

The Global Elites are OUT OF TOUCH with the rank and file of the world’s citizens. Citizens want the Truth about the source, methods and strategy behind the release of the virus. The Deplorables want to know the Truth about the therapeutics that work to cure the virus. They want to know the Truth about the efficacy of masks, distancing, and testing.

The Vatican promoted the importance of censoring open and diverse information, lies about the virus and the value of masks, isolation, lockdowns, and vaccines for children. Global citizens are waking up to the Vatican’s globalist agenda. They have had enough and are not interested in anything that Pope Francis and his Vatican flunkies who serve the CCP and the Great Reset Globalists.

The Holy See has lost its moral voice and prestige. Francis and his flunkies are servants of the New World Order and their CCP overlords.
