Trieste, the day of Shame

Trieste, the day of shame:

The police unleash themselves against defenseless people!

October 18, 2021 will remain a historic date for Trieste. It will be the anniversary of a particular day of ordinary madness. 

Only that to act as a madman was not a deranged William "Bill" Foster, a character in the well-known film by Joel Schumacher, but the self-styled Democratic Italian republican institutions. I never thought in my life that I would be forced to be a journalistic reporter of surreal scenes, of which I was an eyewitness on this day. Around 10.00 in the morning I arrived at the now famous seventh pier of gate 4 of the Port of Trieste, which since October 15 has been manned by the dockers participating in the strike against the green pass. They decided to exercise their constitutional right, without preventing access to colleagues who did not share the reasons for the strike, and above all without preventing the transit of means of transport.

This is an important point because all the ordinary citizens, coming from all over Italy, who have decided to show solidarity with the dockers have absolutely not prevented any of the aforementioned activities. This is a circumstance that will weigh heavily on the conscience of those who have given the order to intervene against them with a brutality whose precedent is difficult to find even in the most brutal dictatorships. I saw with my own eyes absolutely peaceful people, absolutely quiet workers, women with strollers, the elderly, people sitting on the ground, very normal men and women and almost out of context in a strike demonstration. There was even a group of Medjugorians praying alongside others doing yoga meditations.

Despite all this, at the gates of the port there was a deployment of police forces absolutely disproportionate both in number of agents and in that of vehicles. At one point, quite suddenly, a dismal sound of the sirens of the dozens of police trucks was heard. Immediately after, the first launch of water from the hydrogens pointed at the top started. It was as if a water bomb had exploded, a giant collective shower. I realized only later that it was a warning. A few seconds later, in fact, the agents lowered the hydrants "shooting" at human height. And there all hell broke loose. I have seen people literally fly away because of the violence of the jet of water. Many fell to the ground without much damage, but three or four had to be loaded into an ambulance and taken to hospital.

Impressive is the scene of a man who managed to sit with his hands raised to the sky despite the violence of the water. Who knows why it reminded me of the Chinese guy who managed to stop the tank in Tiananmen Square. With the difference that he managed to block the communist soldier, while our pacifist failed to move the hearts of the Italian celerini. After the water, in fact, came the charge. The scene that has impressed me the most is that of a woman in an interesting state hit in the back of the head. A gratuitous violence that did not stop even in the face of unborn life. I wonder what kind of society is the one that comes to legitimize such a gesture by subjects who should represent public institutions.But it was not enough for the police in the port of Trieste. After the charge it was the turn of the launch of tear gas. The throw was much longer than was necessary and went to hit those who were farthest from the places of the clashes and who spoke quietly among themselves. Some social housing, and even a school, were even affected. Here the scene that struck me most is that of having seen some children crying and coughing because of the gases.

There are two considerations to be made. First, the incomprehensible and absolutely unjustifiable thing is the reason for this brutal action. I repeat, the citizens who demonstrated together with the dockers did not prevent any access either to other dockers who wanted to go to work, or to trucks or other means of transport. If the activity of the port was blocked, this was due only and simply to the abstention of the dockers, not to the helpless people who expressed peaceful solidarity with them. This was absolutely gratuitous and unnecessary violence.

Second, if a Martian had witnessed what happened at the port of Trieste on October 18, 2021, he would have thought that Italy was governed by a brutal dictatorship, whose executive also included among the members a ruthless Minister of the Interior with an iron fist. Certainly not Dr. Luciana Lamorgese, docile lamb with the outlaws of the Rave Party, and fearful with the characters to Giuliano Castellino.